I'm still disabled and I'm in my bedroom. It vaguely looks the way it used to when me and Ollie shared the room. A half-flimsy bunk bed set, white with pink trim held together by 2 inch wooden pegs. I slept on the bottom and Ollie slept on top. In real life, he endured all my creepy cool Heavy Metal collage, a headbanger's heaven, well early late 80's/early 90's glam metal heaven. ::grinning:: But in the dream, I'm on my lower bunk and when I look up I see a classic G'n'R poster. They're lined up in a crescent shape and Axl is in the middle, a bandanna wrapped around his head and a smug look on his face. Then Urs walks in and asks me, "Hey girl, do you remember those pink pants you gave me that I thought would be too pink? Well they fit pretty good." She walks by with these cropped skin tight hot pink pants with her g-string peeking out of the back and does a 180. She sits on the side of my bed and we start chatting.
I start noticing water flooding the room and stopping just below the height of the bed. I'm confused so I sit up and look over and there's a huge turtle swimming by. Urs gets excited and bends over to stroke the shell as it swims by, then out of nowhere, the turtle jumps out of it's shell across the bed and bites Urs' finger. It won't loosen it's grip so we struggle and finally remove it and throw it back in the water. It gently goes back in it's shell and goes on. After we stared at the bite mark and show it off to people, I decide to take pictures of it with my phone.
Next, we head downstairs, I think and we see Tim San, Ollie's friend. Then I'm in a banquet room where a party's going on. It's midday and the banquet hall, with it's cheesy-patterned rug is under decorated with traditional banquet room chairs in two groups of 10x10 rows, as to accommodate a large group of people. One party split into two, yet in the same room. There's even 2 comedians doing stand up simultaneously.
I'm out of my chair and I'm trying to move and get myself onto a regular chair. I'm on the ground trying to remember how I saw other people do it but because my legs are thicker than theirs, it's harder to harness them together so that I can use the skills to get up. People try to help me and I tell them, "I'm okay". My legs keep flopping around and all of the sudden, David Duchovny, who is sitting nearby, pulls up two chairs and hooks them together and says, "That should be easier to work with".
I don't remember much else, but it was a weird one.